Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Best Spring Break Ever!

Trying to get back into the groove of everyday routines after such an amazing week has been, to say the least, a bit difficult. A part of my heart stayed in Italy, and one day I will return :) Breath taking scenery and ancient ruins tell the stories of ancient Italy, such as the larger than life Coliseum, while monumental sculptures and paintings gave a small glimpse into the brilliant imagination of the sculpture/painter, Michelangelo. This trip to Italy was a very emotional experience for me, on many different levels. Our performances were wonderful and the musicality and connection we all shared as an ensemble was almost too much at times. Everyday was amazing, and every night was amazing. At night was when we got to wind down and relax after long days... and that we did:)
But now we are back home, and left with wonderful memories, pictures, videos, and stories that we will carry with us forever. We are better for it.

-Ginger Wheelock

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