Sunday, March 15, 2009

Arriving in Rome

We have arrived, or at least half of the group has arrived. Since the Master Chorale is made up of about 60 students, we were not all able to get onto the same flights for the trip to Rome. Flight group "A" flew on Air France and left before flight group "B", who traveled to Rome via British Airways. Flight group "A", of which I am a part, arrived about 3:30pm (about 2 hours ago) Rome time to the hotel, and we are expecting the rest of our group to join us shortly. We are all going to enjoy a welcome dinner together here at the hotel tonight, followed by a short rehearsal to prepare for the Mass we will be singing at St. Peter's Basilica tomorrow afternoon at 5:00pm.

The journey to Rome was a long one, begun more than 27 hours ago. But, through the long lines at 4 different airports, and near mishaps with missing luggage and instruments in Rome, we made it, and are looking forward to this trip of a lifetime!

-Ruben Rincon, Jr.

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