Monday, March 16, 2009

Katie Hodge

Hey everyone!
Today was our first full day in Rome. Complete with good food, lots of laughter, comraderie, and music, I can honestly say it was as close to perfect as possible. We began the day with a tours of the Colosseum and the Roman Forums. There is no better way to begin a tour than visiting the birthplace of modern civilization. It's a fact! It didn't seem possible that it was really happening. I can hardly believe that I have touched the Colosseum and stood where so many thousands of people gathered to satiate their desire for action. Movies and pictures only begin to express the grandness of this amphitheatre.
The next great moment came in St. Peter's Basilica. From the moment I stepped into the square, I knew this would be an defining moment. Stepping into the actual building was a feast for the eyes. We didn't have enough time to take in everything about the architecture, paintings, mosaics, and sculptures. Hopefully, tomorrow we will get the chance to experience it rather than observe it. Maybe then I will be able to convey my feelings about singing in what I consider the perfect tribute to grace. The day still hasn't sunk in and probably won't until we are on the plane home.
Well, there is a long line of bloggers waiting to tell of their experiences... I'll talk more some other time.

Love and peace,
Katie Hodge

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