Monday, March 16, 2009

Rachel Boyd

Today was very surreal... We vistied the Colesseum and the Vatican. Our tour guide was definitely energetic. She told us that they used to enact Naval Battles in the Colesseum. Apparently they used to fill it with water, and have people rouse up their patriotism by watching those re-enactments. It was interesting to me to find out that they didn't just have gladiator fights there. You know, people say they did all those things because they didn't have tv, but wow, I think that their entertainment was 10x better than tv. Oh, and I almost forgot to mention... We sang at the Colesseum! Everyone there came to the railings to look down on us and listen. It was such an experience, I can't even put it into words.

We also visited the Roman Forum, which was amazing. It's crazy to think that the things we were looking at were just ruins. I can even imagine how majestic that place looked in its prime. It was truly breath-taking. I know for me, I didn't even know what to think. Of course you want to appreciate what you're seeing, but it's so surreal that you can't even fathom the magnitude of what you're looking at. I don't think I even realized yet that I'm in a different country. Well, I guess I sort of have, but it's still hard to wrap your mind around.

Later in the day we walked into the Vatican. What a place! I didn't even take my camera since we were performing, but I was glad I didn't. It is definitely a place you need to visit more than once, just so the first time you can try to take everything in, and later take pictures and such. When you walk in it is overwhelming! You don't even know what to think, it's so solemn and everyone is in a state of reverence. Then suddenly you feel almost unworthy, but then you realize, that's not what it's about. Everyone is worthy... It's the point of Christianity. Then we sang. I didn't think it was going to be as great as it was. The best part for me was at the end of the mass, the little monk who was playing the organ gave us a little silent applause. That took the whole thing straight to heart for me. It was truly amazing. The first thing they asked was if we could come back next year!!!

Anyway, we have much more to come, so we will do our best to keep you up to date with our experiences.

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