Monday, March 16, 2009

Brenda's Adventures =)

Today was the most incredible day yet. We started the day off early with some yummmyy breakfast (the cappuccino is to die for!), and then off to the Roman Colosseum! I could try to describe it for you... but words won't do it justice. Pictures will be posted up soon, but even those can't describe its grandeur. It was absolutely beautiful... After that was the Roman forum where we definitely had some fantastic picture ops and took advantage of them. =) I was amazed at how preserved the Roman structures are after thousands of years. I have been so lucky to be able to share this experience with two of the bestest friends any girl could ask for... and an article is actually going to be posted in the Herald about our bond throughout the years and our big Italy trip, so that's something to look forward to. YAY!
The day was busy busy busy. After our beautiful sightseeing, we hurried off to our hotel to get changed for our choir concert at THE VATICAN! The sheer magnitude of it beauty is so overwhelming. The statues and artwork are awe-inspiring, and left us all speechless. I can't wait to show everyone pictures... and our singing at the mass? It was gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous, thank you. Absolutely incredible. Hopefully, some of it will be online, and you can see for yourself. =) Yay, Rome! More sightseeing tomorrow and our first full concert.
I'll be posting more soon.. stay tuunneedd! =) Ciao!

-brenda <3

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