Monday, March 16, 2009

Eduardo Paredes

The timeless and epic statues of the annals of past popes and holy men, the quiet, watchful sentinels who act as silent guardians and watchful protectors gave me (and I suspect all of us) comfort as we entered that grand hall at Vatican City. The Basilica di San Pietro stands as a monument to those who find faith and hope in everyday things, from the wisp of a cloud racing the skies, to the grandeur and majesty of Maestro Michelangelo's heartstopping and divine brushtrokes, this is truly a center of God's magic working through us and around us!

There is a sense of searching and longing, even for those whose faith is unyielding, there, in those hallowed halls. A moment of volitation is certainly in order for those willing to let the experience take them to new heights, and it is with great excitement and joy that I can say I was truly and deeply touched by the Almighty this day.

This entire trip has been awe-inspiring and awesome, and I can't wait to see and do more, and hunger for more!

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