Monday, March 16, 2009

Lina A. Zamora

Good Morning from Rome! This is our first full day of our tour and we are very excited to be here. Last night we had a wonderful dinner at the hotel with traditional Italian food, which was delicious. We also had a rehearsal after dinner and I am glad to say that we are totally ready for our big performance today in St. Pater's Basillica. Its our big day and we have a long day ahead of us. We are going to tour ancient Rome and see all the rich history that the city of Rome has to offer. We are really excited and grateful to be here. Thanks for keeping up with us, Ciao!


  1. lina hey its adela and victoria glad you had a great time lastnight... we love you and be safe. have a great time

  2. How wonderful, I wished I was there, I was there 7 years ago touring Italy with one of my daughters, and we were amazed of everything we saw, so much culture. Please enjoy every minute of if becuase you will never know how fast you can return. Make sure you throw a coin into the Trevi fountain it is suppose to bring you back to Italy if you do. We are extremely proud of all of you, thanks for representing UTBTSC. Hasta Luego, Olga Garcia UTBTSC Alumni President.

  3. Lina! I don't know when your performance is but break a leg! I know you will do fabulous! Tell the pope I said what's up. I can't wait to see all your pictures.

